Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

my stucture 3 at english department UNP

Structure 3’s Learning Log
Structure 3 is one of the difficult subjects in this semester. I think so, because I don’t really understand about grammar. My results for structure 1 and structure 2 which are only B have made me feel satisfied. I never imagine that I will get an A for this subject. I think the reason why I don’t really understand in grammar and B has made me satisfied is not because the lecturer or because I don’t study hard for this, but it is because actually I don’t really like English itself. However, I must enjoy it until the end of my study period.
In this semester I feel better than 2 last semesters. I have understood about the tenses more than before. I also have known the using of modals auxiliary, adjective clauses, passive voice, etc.  The ways the lecturers give the material is more interesting and demand me to be more active. By asking me to prepare the material in slides of power point has made me study more before the class is started. I usually red the material first and then typed it into slides of power point. After that I reread the materials in the slides. So before starting the class I have read the materials at least three times.
Besides that, I also prepare the group’s slides. It is also helpful and interesting when my group is presenting and all of the class becomes active in the discussion. I also like if there is a quiz before the class is started. It made me tried hard to understand the lesson than if there were no quiz before starting the class, just like the recent meeting. To be honest it has caused me lazier than before. I only read the material without trying to understand the content.
However, there are some materials that I’m not really understand yet. It is because there are many words that are hard to remember, and there are many rules that have to be memorized. Such as, the using of adverb clauses, noun clauses, gerunds and conditional sentences. Without consider them as a big deal, I will study hard for the final examination and I hope I will get better result in this semester.

For the last, I want to say thank you so much for the lecturers who have made this subject in this semester has become as not difficult as previous semesters. Now, structure is not the subject that I’m afraid anymore. 

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