Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

sanggar puti junjuang

Sanggar seni adalah suatu tempat atau sarana yang digunakan oleh suatu komunitas atau sekumpulan orang untuk berkegiatan seni seperti seni tari, seni lukis, seni kerajinan atau kriya, seni peran dls. Kegiatan yang ada dalam sebuah sanggar seni berupa kegiatan pembelajaran tentang seni, yang meliputi proses dari pembelajaran, penciptaan hingga produksi dan semua proses hampir sebagian besar dilakukan di dalam sanggar (tergantung ada tidaknya fasilitas dalam sanggar), sebagai contoh apabila menghasilkan karya berupa benda (patung, lukisan, kerajinan tangan dll) maka proses akhir adalah pemasaran atau pameran,apabila karya seni yang dihasilkan bersifat seni pertunjukan (teater, tari, pantomim dll) maka proses akhir adalah pementasan.
Sanggar seni termasuk ke dalam jenis pendidikan nonformal. Sanggar seni biasanya didirikan secara mandiri atau perorangan, mengenai tempat dan fasilitas belajar dalam sanggar tergantung dari kondisi masing-masing sanggar ada yang kondisinya sangat terbatas namun ada juga yang memiliki fasilitas lengkap, selain itu sistem atau seluruh kegiatan yang terjadi dalam sanggar seni sangat fleksibel, seperti menyangkut prosedur administrasi, pengadaan sertifikat, pembelajaran yang menyangkut metode pembelajaran hingga evaluasi dll, mengikuti peraturan masing-masing sanggar seni, sehingga antara sanggar seni satu dengan lainnya memiliki peraturan yang belum tentu sama. Karena didirikan secara mandiri, sanggar seni biasanya berstatus swasta, dan untuk penyetaraan hasil pendidikannya harus melalui proses penilaian penyetaraan oleh lembaga yang ditunjuk oleh Pemerintah atau Pemerintah Daerah agar bisa setara dengan hasil pendidikan formal.
begitu halnya dengan sanggar Puti Junjuang sendiri. anak- anak bisa menyalurkan bakat mereka di bidang seni tari,musik,dan theater.  

check about us :

environment and tourism

 Tourism ; Big  Problems  of the Environment
A.    Introduction
Nowadays, tourism is the largest and the fastest growing industry in the world. It is an increasingly important source of income, employment and wealth in many countries. International tourism now accounts for a larger share of foreign exchange receipts and export earnings than any other industry in the world. Besides that, the growing of tourism industry also can be seen from the development of hotel and travel agency industry. Every city has many hotels for tourist. Start from the small cities with usual hotels until the big cities with high standard hotels. Based on Indonesian Cushman & Wakefield surveys in indonesian.cri.cn (2013) until 2015 there will be 4.000 new hotels at Jakarta. Then, as everyone knows,  people needs time to get some holiday. It can be seen from almost all of tourism places are crowded by people at every weekend.  People need holiday because of many reasons, for relaxing, refreshing, playing with family, spending time with friends, etc.
Tourism has a very complex relationship with environment. Almost all of tourism places have become famous because of the natural view. For examples, Bunaken national park at Manado, Raja Ampat at Papua Islands, Lake Maninjau, Iguazu Waterfall at border of Argentina and Brazil, Great Wall at China, Petra at Jordan, Machu Picchu at Peru, etc. Raja Ampat become very famous because many natural places that is very beautiful such as marine life diversity in the Raja Ampat area as the highest recorded on Earth. Diversity is considerably greater than any other area sampled in the Coral Triangle composed of Indonesia, Philippines and Papua New Guinea. While Petra at Jordan become very popular because the  uniqueof it’s city that carved into the sheer rock face by the Nabataeans, an industrious Arab people who settled here more than 2000 years ago, turning it into an important junction for the silk, spice and other trade routes that linked China, India and southern Arabia with Egypt, Syria, Greece and Rome.
However, because of the tourism activities there are  many trashes everywhere at tourism places. As the prove, it can be seen along Padang beach , at Aia Manih beach, at Mediterranean Sea, and at Cancun Mexico. At Mediterranean Sea, tourism activities increase the excess garbage and sewage that is dumped directly into the sea and nearby rivers. On the other hand, because of tourism activities there many natural places that have become worse since tourism industry is developed further. Just like what have happened at Bali, tourism definitely in the number of y increased water pollution in the Bali region. Let’s put aside actual rubbish pollution which in truth can be seen a lot around the island, and look at the massive increase in the number of visiting ships. Pollution, which comes from their presence, is very noticeable in Bali’s clean waters. Coral reefs and other ocean life become stressed and die in polluted waters. Also the water quality of inland resources has been degraded.  
This paper is made to make the readers realize that environment is very important and have to be kept even though people need it very much especially for developing tourism activities. This paper also has been limited only about the problems that are caused by tourism activities and also how to resolve those problems. 
B.     Theoritical Bases
1.      Definition of Tourism
Based on wikipedia.org (2013) “tourism is travel for recreational, leisure, or business purposes. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes”. While Gamal Swantoro (2004:3) states that tourism is process of traveling that is done by someone or people to a place that is different from their daily live. It is closely related with definition of tour. Almost same with Gamal Suwanto , Oka A. Yoeti (1994,30) says that tourism is a trip that is done more than once from one place to another place . In addition based on discoveralex.com (2013) tourism is “is an activity done by an individual or a group of individuals, which leads to a motion from a place to another. From a country to another for performing a specific task, or it is a visit to a place or several places in the purpose of entertaining which leads to an awareness of other civilizations and cultures, also increasing the knowledge of countries, cultures, and history.” Then , Based on merriam-webster.com tourism is “the practice of traveling for recreation”.
2.      Definition of  Environtment
Based on thefreedictionary.com (2013) there two definition of environment are:
                        1. The circumstances or conditions that surround one; surroundings.
2. The totality of circumstances surrounding an organism or group of organisms, especially:
a. The combination of external physical conditions that affect and influence the growth, development, and survival of organisms: "We shall never understand the natural environment until we see it as a living organism" (Paul Brooks).
b. The complex of social and cultural conditions affecting the nature of an individual or community.

In newagepublishers.com environment is all of things that influence organism every time. Environment and organism cannot be separated because their relationship. There will be no organism if there were no environment. While based on biology-online.org (2013) environment is “The external surroundings including all of the biotic and abiotic factors that surround and affect the survival and development of an organism or population” and “the totality of the surrounding conditions and elements in an individual”.
Recently, tourism is growing fast everywhere. At West Sumatra, based on phinisinews.com (2012) there are 28.194 people who came to West Sumatra at 2012. It is increase about 4,79 percent from 2011. However, it has also given bad effects for the tourism places. Start from one of an exotic tourism place at West Sumatra, Mentawai Island. Based on harianhaluan.com (2012), Mentawai’s Government will limit the tourist that want to visit Mentawai Island. The officer of Mentawai Regency , Yudas Sabaggalet, says that the government do not want Mentawai is visited by many people freely. They are afraid that the environment will become worse.
Not only at Mentawai, but also at Bali the increase of tourist can be seen clearly. In american.edu (2013) there is a table of tourist’s data that shows the high increase of visitors there since 1972 until 1980. It is increase almost more than a hundred percent each year. Just like what happened at West Sumatra, the increase of tourist also give bad effects at Bali. In walhibali.org (2013) Executive Director of WALHI Bali, Agung Wardhana says that tourism is a big factors of environment flaw at Bali, especially for water.
C.    Discussion
            Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the world. It is an increasingly important source of income, employment and wealth in many countries. International tourism now accounts for a larger share of foreign exchange receipts and export earnings than any other industry in the world. However, it not only gives the advantages but also many disadvantages and many people do not realize it. The benefits that are offered by tourism activities make people forget about the important of environment for their life. Even, they forget that without environment there will be no more a life. Beside as the largest and the fastest growing industries in the world, tourism has become a source of environmental degradation.  It has caused pollution, depletion of natural resources, deforestation and habitat loss of flora and fauna.
1.      Tourism has caused pollution
The high development of tourism industries has caused many bad effects on the environment. One of the worst effects that can be seen everywhere is pollution. Based on science.yourdictionary.com (2013) pollution is the dangerous contamination that changes original contents of water, air, or soil by other substances. It can be caused by nature phenomenon and by human activities. By nature phenomenon, pollution occurs through volcanic eruption and by human activities it occurs because of many activities.  Pollution has a very bad effect on any living organism in an environment, it is really impossible to sustain a life for all of organisms if there were pollution occurs around them. There are some kind of pollution that are caused by tourism activities, they are water pollution, air pollution, and light pollution
a.       Water Pollution
Based on sustainablebabysteps.com, water pollution is “contamination of any body of water (lakes, groundwater, oceans, etc)”. the process of water pollution ranges from simple addition of dissolved or suspended solids to discharge of the most insidious and persistent toxic pollutants (such as pesticides, heavy metals, and nondegradable, bioaccumulative, chemical compounds).Water pollution has caused many tourism places become worse and looks unnatural. In Trinidad and Tobago overpopulation of tourist has been depleted for construction, which has damaged beaches. Also, in Mediterranean region, water pollution has reached crisis proportions in several of the older tourist resort. For activities such as swimming, fishing, and many types of boating, the need of high quality water is essential. The introduction of pollutants into water bodies is both environmentally degrading and economically disastrous for water-based tourist resorts.
b.      Air pollution
Air pollution based on library.thinkquest.org (2013) is “accumulation in the atmosphere of substances that, in sufficient concentrations, endanger human health or produce other measured effects on living matter and other materials”. Wisnu Arya Wardhana (2004) says that air pollution is the strength substances that cause alteration of air structure in normal situation. Air pollution will give many impacts in human health. It can cause asthma, allergies and other respiratory illness.  Air pollution is specially caused by transportation. In balipost.co.id, Ketut Gede Dharma Putra (2013) says that WTO (1996) guessed more than four million tons gasoline is used each year that cause eight hundred and fifty million gases. It has damaged ozone layer and it has produced three point five million tons chemical substances. All of that are caused by the effort of tourism industry to increase their income.
c.       Light Pollution
Light pollution is caused by the using of improper lighting of communities and it will cause the brightening of the night sky inhibiting the visibility of stars and planets. As one of tourism industries’ effort to increase their income, today tourism places are not only trade on natural places. In order to interest tourists to come to a place, the government or an tourism industry will make that place looks great and beautiful by giving many lamps there. It is a kind of using improper lighting because sometime the lamps are very useless.
2.      Tourism has caused Habitat Loss of Flora and Fauna 
As the result of the fastest growing of tourism industry, flora and fauna that are live on the environment get the bad effect of it. Ni Kadek Mas Ayuni (2009) says that the development of tourism industry gives the bad effects for habitat of animals and also damages their origin route.
For examples, at Bali, there is Serangan Island that has many turtles there. After the growing of tourism industry there and the investor built a resort which name is Bali Turtle Island Development, there so many tourists come there. Tourism activities there have caused habitat lost of turtles, the tourists hunt them to make their skin as the souvenir. Besides of that, the population of turtles also descends because of tourism activities.  Development of resorts, hotels and housing area along the beach also threaten the turtles to lay their eggs. It is caused by the sensitive of turtles on the light, and the noise.
After that, the noise of tourist at Bali also has caused the changing of animals’ habit. It has caused the aggressiveness of animal’s habit that is very dangerous. Not only that thing, but also the selling of souvenirs that is made from the unique of flora and fauna at a tourism place give the bad effects on the environment.  Also in Cancun, Mexico, tourism has damaged the turquoise lagoon. It also led the extinction of varying species of animals and fish there. In Hawaii, the development of hotels gives the bad effect for coral under the sea. The investor move the layer of land surface to built everything they want and it kills water animals living there.
3.      Tourism has caused Deforestation
Deforestation is the removal of trees. This is one of bad effect of tourism that can cause erosion, problem in water circulation, and problem in carbon circulation. At Bali, to fulfill the necessity of tourists facilities, the owner of hotels, resorts and other tourism elements take many things from forest. It really causes deforestation. Deforestation was caused essentially by the over construction of hotels and other facilities catering to tourism. It leads to wildlife destruction and further environmental damages, since forests are so important for the maintenance of the entire habitat. Construction of many resorts and hotels requires clearing forested land.
4.      Tourism has caused depletion of Natural Resources
Tourism development can put pressure on natural resources when it increases consumption in areas where resources are already scarce. Water, and especially fresh water, is one of the most critical natural resources. The tourism industry generally overuses water resources for hotels, swimming pools, golf courses and personal use of water by tourists. This can result in water shortages and degradation of water supplies, as well as generating a greater volume of waste water. In dryer regions like the Mediterranean, the issue of water scarcity is of particular concern. Because of the hot climate and the tendency of tourists to consume more water when on holiday than they do at home, the amount used can run up to four hundred and forty liters a day. Depletion of natural resources also influences local resources and land degradation. Tourism produces a big tension for local resources such as energy, food, and other unripe materials. The promotion of tourism activities has caused land degradation. The use of land for tourism accommodation and infrastructure requisite will damage natural resources. 
               So that, tourism activities are really give dangerous and many bad impacts for environment. All of public elements that are related with tourism must do everything to keep the environment. They can establish local and regional zoning laws that restrict development and band development in conservation of tourism places. Ecotourism is also one of the best solution for the problem of tourism on environment. Involving the local people from the planning stages throughout the entire development of   the tourism project is crucial for the success of ecotourism.  In this way, they will benefit   from the revenues of tourism, becoming aware that it benefits them and their environment,   not just the already wealthy and powerful transnational corporations and people. When tourism is well managed and properly located, should be recognized as a positive activity which has potential to benefit the host community, the local environment itself and the visitors. Sustainable tourism requires a balance to be struck between the needs of the visitors, the place and the host community. While, Agung Wardhana the executive director of WALHI says that, government should evaluate the law that has existed before and the investors also must be responsible on preservation of environment.
D.    Conclusion
Tourism is one of the fastest and the greatest industry in the world now. Tourism is not as harmful as other industries could be, but it has caused many bad effects to the environment. Tourism has caused water pollution, air pollution, light pollution, habitat loss of flora and fauna, deforestation, and depletion of natural resources. Tourism cannot be forced to develop more and more. The development of tourism that is wrong will make it buried. In conclusion, everyone should care about the preservation of environment especially for them who closely related with tourism world because environment is very valuable for every human life.

my stucture 3 at english department UNP

Structure 3’s Learning Log
Structure 3 is one of the difficult subjects in this semester. I think so, because I don’t really understand about grammar. My results for structure 1 and structure 2 which are only B have made me feel satisfied. I never imagine that I will get an A for this subject. I think the reason why I don’t really understand in grammar and B has made me satisfied is not because the lecturer or because I don’t study hard for this, but it is because actually I don’t really like English itself. However, I must enjoy it until the end of my study period.
In this semester I feel better than 2 last semesters. I have understood about the tenses more than before. I also have known the using of modals auxiliary, adjective clauses, passive voice, etc.  The ways the lecturers give the material is more interesting and demand me to be more active. By asking me to prepare the material in slides of power point has made me study more before the class is started. I usually red the material first and then typed it into slides of power point. After that I reread the materials in the slides. So before starting the class I have read the materials at least three times.
Besides that, I also prepare the group’s slides. It is also helpful and interesting when my group is presenting and all of the class becomes active in the discussion. I also like if there is a quiz before the class is started. It made me tried hard to understand the lesson than if there were no quiz before starting the class, just like the recent meeting. To be honest it has caused me lazier than before. I only read the material without trying to understand the content.
However, there are some materials that I’m not really understand yet. It is because there are many words that are hard to remember, and there are many rules that have to be memorized. Such as, the using of adverb clauses, noun clauses, gerunds and conditional sentences. Without consider them as a big deal, I will study hard for the final examination and I hope I will get better result in this semester.

For the last, I want to say thank you so much for the lecturers who have made this subject in this semester has become as not difficult as previous semesters. Now, structure is not the subject that I’m afraid anymore. 

public speaking about tourism places at Sijunjuang regency

Assalamu’alaikum w.w
Good afternoon everybody
Now, I’m going to deliver my speech which title is
A great and complete tourism Place
Before I come to the points, I’d like to show you some pictures.
What do you think after you show those pictures?
Can you imagine what my speech all about is?
Ok now,
As we all know, next week is our examination week and after that we will enter the long vacation that is about two until three months.
Have you plan, where are you going to spend your holiday?
Only spending your time at home or somewhere else?
If you have a plan to visit a new place, I have a good one. A great natural place which is located in Sijunjung Regency. The name of this great tourism place is MUSIDUGA (Muaro Sijunjung, Silokek, Durian Gadang)
It is a place that you have to visit if you want to back to a pure natural place with the nice smell of land and trees. A place which has a nice sound of birds, and a calm sound of water.  A place that can bring you back to nature. A place that can make you refresh ,comfortable and calm. Of course it is a place that is far from the noise of cars and motorcycles’ muffler and also far from the noise of our daily activities.
MUSIDUGA has varied kind of natural tourism places. Start from place for doing sport activities, place with historical estate and place with great view of nature.
For  everyone who likes rafting , this place has the swift  river which name is Batang Kuantan . This river has 38 km length and it is categorized as rafting area in the third level of difficulty. Also , along the river when you are doing rafting you can enjoy the beauty and the exotic of small caves.
Just like what I’ve shown you before, this is Batang Kuantan with the swift flow and with exotic view. 
And then, people can also do climbing at this place. Even though, there are only  few people who know about this .
This is a picture for climbing in MUSIDUGA.
After that, there are two historical place that people have to visit here. First is a very old locomotive as a prove of Japanese colonization in Indonesia.  
This is the old locomotive that I mean.
Second there is a large stone with something written on it, it is called as Batu Basurek .
This is the picture for Batu Basurek.
And then for the last great kind of natural place at MUSIDUGA is the beauty of natural view.
There are four exotic caves, the first one is Ngalau Cigak . Ngalau Cigak means a cave with many monkeys. When tourists enter this cave, they will be welcomed by monkeys’ and their noise voice. What a natural situation right? In addition, they will not disturb you as long as you do not disturb them. They will only look at you and then continue their own activities, so funny.
After that there is Ngalau Talago or Talago Cave with many small pools in it, Ngalau silukah or Silikah Cave, and then Ngalau seribu Seribu Cave.
Then, there are three precious waterfalls there. First is Air Terjun Taye or Taye Waterfall, Air Terjun Palange or Palange Waterfall and the last Air Terjun Palukahan or Palukahan Waterfall.

The next is Pasir Putih or white sand. Maybe you think that white sand only at the beach, but this one is different, the white sand located along the river, so beautiful.

For the last one, please look at this picture once more. Maybe you think that it is not in Indonesia even in West Sumatra. It likes a garden in the spring at Europe, right? But it is not. It is a place that is called Taman  Anggrek or Orchid Garden. It is true, at MUSIDUGA , Sijunjung Regency.
 So guys, if you want to visit this place someday or in our next holiday. You can go there by buses. First you take a bus that can bring you to Muaro Sijunjung ,the capital city of this regency. After that from Muaro Sijunjung you can start your adventure start from the gate and then you will find Ombilin River or Batang Ombilin. From Batang Ombilin Bridge you can continue your adventure by using public transportation there.
In conclusion , you will find a complete and great tourism places only in one place at Sijunjung Regency. There are four caves, three waterfall, Batang Kuantan for drifting, some places for climbing, two historical places and a great orchid garden. Only at MUSIDUGA. So guys, you can put this place as one of a great place in your planning trip for next vacation.

Okay, I think that is all for today. Thank you so much for your attention.
Good afternoon, assalamu’alaikum w.w.

tari,tradisi dan kreasi

i love dance so much
especially traditional dances
penyambutan marapulai uni tersayang

kreasi pakaian dan suntiang minangkabau

my proud Minang Kabau women' costume 
love it so much
like it so much

baju tradisi minangkabau dengan suntiang Solok
salah satu bentuk kreasi suntiang dengan memadukan
kertas dan mahkota permata
tanduak kompong di padukan dengan mahkota kawat emas
baju anak daro yang juga di pakai untuk pembawa carano
dalam tari pasambahan dan tari galombang
baju padang magek dengan suntiang kecil dan tanduak
baju tari kreasi dipadukan dengan tanduak dan suntiang ringan 

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

teaching speaking at junior high school

Implementing the AUPA  method in Teaching Speaking to Junior High School Students
A.   Background
Speaking is a fundamental thing in human communication. Every day, almost people speak rather than write, listen, and read. Without a good ability in speaking, it must be hard, especially for foreign language learners or students, to get natural communication with other foreign people. It must be mastered by them to get a good achievement in their study. When they cannot speak in the foreign language that they have studied well, students will get difficulties to achieve the goal of the subject which they have learned. Carter and Nuan (2001 :15) state that when speakers are speaking, they must be able to decide the things they want to speak quickly and develop them correctly, while many people need long time for that. Because of that speaking is something that is not as easy as pronouncing words. In speaking people must be able to think the relationship between each sentence that they want to say.
Teaching speaking for junior high school students is quiet more difficult than teaching for elementary school and senior high school students. They are in the transition process of changing the characteristics and habits. It is not easy to understand what they want and how to communicate with them. Some of them are still busy with playing all the time, while others are trying to get their self confidence. Therefore, in learning foreign language, especially for speaking, they need a good environment to support and to help them study comfortably. If the students do not feel comfortable, they will become not interested in the lesson; they will get difficulties to understand it. Besides that, the way the teachers teach will also influence them. Teachers must be creative and able to create good atmosphere to make learning process become fun and interesting. Teachers also have to make students active, creative, and innovative  in  activities during the learning process. In addition, teachers must teach them in attractive ways to get them fun and interested to the lesson.
The attractive ways to teach speaking in the junior high school must give the benefit both for teachers and students. There are some useful ways to attract students and make students fun and comfortable during learning process. This paper will be explain and discuss about a good method that will very help teachers to teach speaking in junior high school classes which focus on how to teach them attractively . Teachers must establish goals of the learning since the first meeting by asking the students to write a kind of contract. Teachers must also memorize all of the students’ names to make the comfortable atmosphere when the communication is happening. It is also to make them feel closer with their teachers. Teachers should start every class by having free conversation. Then, teachers can ask students to memorize some sentences which are usually used in every class. Teachers also should ask the students to perform in front of the class and teachers must appreciate them by giving the rewards.
The examples above have been formulated into a new method that is called AUPA. It is the acronym form of Approach, Understanding, Performance, and Appreciation. Teachers must approach the students first, after approach them students will understand how their personality, their hobby, their behavior, etc. When the class is comfortable students will be able and will be brave to perform in front of the class. The last method teachers should appreciate everything they have done by giving a kind of reward or giving more attention to them. So that, process of studying in the class will become interesting and will help students of junior high school succeed in speaking.
Key words: fundamental, natural communication, transition process, good atmosphere, attractive ways, contract , speaking marathon, role plays.
B.   Theoritical Bases
1.      Definition of Teaching
Based on Oxford dictionary, teaching is work of a teacher. Keterringham in voices.yahoo.com (2007) states that teaching is a job that can make something become good and interesting after the lessons applied in the classrooms. Teachers have a great purpose that can make the students become smart and educated. They are not teaching the students to memorize a kind of formula, rule, or how to know the correct answer, but they want to get their students really understand the concepts that will be very useful for students’ future and students’ life. In indiastudychannel.com, Gage in ( In Rajani, 2011) states “Teaching is a form of interpersonal influence aimed at changing the behavior potential of another person". Teaching means influence another person to change her or his behavior into the better one. Teachers not only teach the students how to count, how to write, and how to read, but the most important thing that teachers have to teach is how the students able to change their bad behavior become good and  better. Teaching includes all the activities of providing education to others. Just like what Ryans says ( In Rajani,2011) indiastudychannel.com that teaching is focus on the activities that are also focus on the instruction for the learning process of others.
2.      Definition of Speaking
Speaking is the second of the four language skills. Quoted from Brown (1994); Burns & Joyce (1997) in cal.org/caela/esl_resources/digests/Speak.html (2013) states that speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information. Speaking is identical with pronouncing words to communicate with others. The way someone speaking is depend on the situation, the experiences, the environment, and the purposes. It is usually spontaneous, but sometimes it could be unpredictable. Carter and Nuan (2001 :15) state that speaking is very close with the way students pronounce the words and  with the way they receiving new vocabularies  with their own ability. In ismael1948.edublogs.org ,Spratt (2012) says that speaking is a productive skill of English that sometimes could be formal and informal depend on the situation and the formality. Formal speaking is used in the business, academic, and when meet with new people at the first time. While , informal English is used with the family, friends, and everyone that has been known well.
3.      Definition of Junior High School Students
 Junior high school students are students who study in the second level of formal school that is called junior high school. They are closely related with a word “teenagers”. Based on simple.wikipedia.org (2013) “teenagers , or teen, is a young person whose age falls within the range from thirteen through nineteen (13–19). They are called teenagers because their age number ends in "teen"”. During this age rapid mental and physical development occurs, because of this  junior high school students are not easy to taught. The transition that occur from thirteen through nineteen is called adolescence. In en.wikipedia.org (2013), it is  a transitional stage of physical and psychological human development generally occurring during in the period from puberty to legal adulthood (age of majority). Junior high school who are certainly have experienced this transitional stage need more attention and different ways during the studying process.
C.   Discussion
As one of difficult skill of English, speaking needs more attention when it is taught to the students. Folse (2006 : 11) says that there are five factors which are very important in a speaking class. They are the learner, the curriculum, the topic, the two languages and the task or activity. Teachers have to know about that. They should teach with interesting methods which are appropriate with the students. Teaching is not an easy job, but it is a necessary one, and can be very rewarding when the students make a good progress. For make it happened teachers need method.  One of method that is stated by Folse (2006 :10) is Audiolingualism method. It  is a teaching speaking method that focused on language practices. It is true that teachers should focus on practices but they also have to know which practices method are appropriate, especially for junior high school students.
1.      Approach Method
The first method from AUPA method that can be applied by teachers when they are teaching speaking for junior high school students is approach method. It is important for teachers to approach their students to make the class atmosphere become comfortable and fun.  However, that is not easy to approach Junior high school students because they are in unstable condition. They tend to be happy ,but suddenly can also be sad and sensitive.
There are some ways that teachers can do to approach junior high school students when teaching speaking. It starts from the first meeting. Martin in eflpress.com (2008) says that some ways that can be used by teachers to impress the students in the first meeting are by establishing the lesson goal, arranging the classroom and starting the lesson with interesting story that can motivate the students.  First, teachers must establish goals of the learning since the first meeting by asking the students write a kind of contract. Teachers give a sheet of paper contained promises that all of the students must obey during learning process. For example, the promise can be like this :
My Promises
1.      I promise to try to speak as much as possible.
2.      I promise not to be afraid of making mistakes.
3.      I promise to use English to communicate.
4.      I promise to ask questions when I do not understand.
5.      I promise to try to have fun.
After that, teachers can ask the students to sign that paper, it will make them feel responsible with their promises. Teachers also can arrange the classroom by setting the students’ seats. Teachers are free to make a unique seats setting such as, in a square, in a circle, in two lines, etc. , because junior high school students usually like something different and impress an informal situation. Teachers can also impress the students by telling an interesting story. Tadarnico (2012: 33) says that teachers should their own stories to interested the students attention rather than remember and memorize another stories. It will be very impressive for them at the first meeting.
2.      Understanding Method
            Then, when the students have loved the situations or atmosphere in the class, teachers should do the second method of AUPA method. It is called understanding method. Tadarnico (2012: 34) says that in understanding students, teachers should simplify the materials appropriate with students ability and focus on a few power ides that students will remember. Folse (2006: 25) also says that teachers must understand and present the cautious thought about language when giving the task as right as language need when the students do their task. While Herrel and Jordan(2012: 28) states that teachers have to prepare the materials with examples and gestures.  Actually, how to understand the students in teaching speaking is not only about the materials but also how to give them attractively. Besides that, the way teachers understand the students can also start from by memorizing students’ name. It can make them feel closer with the teachers whenever they are called with their original name rather than only with the word “you”.
Understanding here also means how teachers can make the students easy to understand and to get the point of the speaking class lesson. There are some ways to do this. Teachers can start every meeting with free conversation. It means teachers can discuss everything such as controversial issues which related with the students, sports, games, movies, etc. Then, teachers can ask students to memorize some sentences which usually use in every meeting such as, how to do greeting, how to ask the spelling of words, how to ask the translation of words, etc. It will very helpful for them and it will make them feel understood by the teachers because they have been helped to adapt with their lesson early.
3.      Performance Method
Third is performance method. After approach and understand the students well, teachers come to the most important part for students’ speaking skill. When they have loved the lesson they will also love to do activities during the class and they will be brave to show their ability in front of the class whenever they are asked to perform. Even though they have enjoyed the class, teachers still have to concern with attractive activities which are appropriate with them to keep them interesting with the materials. Just like what has Lesco (2010) said that teachers can use speech, improvisation, skits, and group discussion to improve junior high school students’ ability. Teachers also can give other activities that are interesting such as speaking marathon and role play. Junior high school students will like those activities because they like to get a challenge and also they still like to play.
Speaking marathon is a method of teaching speaking like a game in pairs. The pairs that can keep conversation go on with a little pause they will be the winner of this game. During this activity teachers must act as a "policeman" and go from group to group. However, it is better if the teachers do not tell the group when they are out or lose, so that everyone continues speaking for as long as possible. Speech can also helpful for students’ speaking ability. Teachers can ask student to speech in front of class everything they want in a very short time (2-3 minutes).  The best time to do this activity is at the end of every meeting. The students are free to choose the topic , they can tell about their hobbies, their family , their current activity, or they can give a speech about the conclusion of the materials. Teachers should not give the limitation for choosing the topic. In addition, group discussion will also help the students learn in their own ways without thinking   about grammatical error, because the most important thing in speaking  is their ability to pronounce word by word. After that teachers can correction the grammar step by step. Role play will also help junior high school students to develop their speaking ability. As good as others interesting activities, role play will  influence  their self confidence so much  and it will help them to get more experience and practices in speaking course more.
4.      Appreciation Method
After all of students become interested and active in the speaking class, the last method from AUPA method that teachers have to do is appreciation. Martin (2008) says that teachers should appreciate students when they can speak English more and more in every meeting. Teachers can allow them leave the class earlier or teachers can congratulate in front of all the all of the students that can make them proud. Lesco (2010) also says that when a teacher ask her or his students to do speech, skit and presentation she or he has to give comments which are focus on the positive things immediately and ask the students become better time to time.  Besides that, teachers can appreciate the students who are brave to perform and the students who can speak almost English in the class by giving rewards. By appreciating the students leave the class earlier when they get a good progress will make them proud and become more interested with the lesson. However, actually  the rewards for junior high school students in term of real things will be more meaningful than only appreciate them by words. Teachers can give them funny things or interesting things that is related with their activities such as, a unique diary, mini note book, funny pen and pencil, etc.. No matter how much the price but the most important thing is the real thing that they can get by their own performance or their own achievement.
            After implementing the AUPA method, teachers can get the satisfaction of teaching, because teaching junior high school students especially for speaking skill is not easy. Junior high school students would like to be approach by the teachers, they also would love when they are understood by their teachers. Interesting activities will make the students become active during the lesson and by appreciating their progress will make them become more and more active.
D.  Conclusion
The AUPA method is a method that focuses on the way teachers teach the students attractively. AUPA is abbreviation form from Approach, Understanding, Performance, and Appreciation. This method not only gives the benefit for the students but will also very helpful for the teachers. For approach method teachers can do this by establishing the lesson goal, arranging the classroom and starting the lesson with interesting story. Then, for understanding method teachers can understand the students by memorizing students’ name, starting every meeting with free conversation, and asking the students to memorize some sentences which usually use in every class. Third, for performance method teacher can ask the students perform everything in the class which purpose is to develop their speaking ability. Teacher can ask them to do speaking marathon, speech, role play, and group discussion.
In conclusion, The AUPA method will be very useful and helpful in learning process, especially for teaching speaking in junior high school. Teachers not only focus on the materials but also concern with the transitional stage of physical and psychological students’ development. It is one of the most important things that should be known by every teacher who teach junior high school students

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